a man called John Wick, dressed in a black suit with a white button up shirt and a black tie, holding a gun and aiming away to the right looking very intensly at his target.

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A movie poster for Twilight, to people embracing, a woman looking at us while being embraced and a man looking intensly away to the side
A movie poster for Batman, with a man walking away from a burning car holding a large black bag, and four movie characters flying above, three man and a women.
A movie poster for Scream, on top a masked person with the icon screamface mask, underneath are twelve adults both male and female, and underneath them is a house filled with police cars and a sign saying Woodsboro
A movie poster for Sweetheart, a woman looking back at us while in water, waters reflect an island being on fire
Science - Fiction
A movie poster for the Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug, a old looking man with a long grey beard and long grey hair holding a sword.
A movie poster for Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, nine floating heads and bodies create a triangle, underneath them is a hill of grass and cars

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A group of people working together holding different equipment such as camera, cables and lights.
A buisness man holding a phone and smiling happily and looking overall excited over his phone.

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